• Opening Time : 8:30 AM - 9:30 PM


Visolia Private Limited” means different things to different people. It means “flight” – dreams, aspirations, hopes and freedom. A small agency Visolia Pvt.Ltd has come a long way and is one of the pioneers in visa facilitation in India and globally.  Visolia Private Limited is recognized by all major agents, companies and embassies/representatives in New Delhi.

In an age where everything is known at the click of a button, knowledge about visa processing and related matters is quite insufficient. Thus, Visolia Private Limited ensures that customer information is not missing from any side. A decade ago, our client was sent messages by mail and details by fax and then by email. All our customers have appreciated this method. , which now receives information about everything.

Visa facilitation involves many steps of development where clients are often confused or worried. To avoid this inconvenience, we first managed to create or care. To prevent this inconvenience, we first made another by creating a website (www.visolia.com) exclusively for our customers – with all the important information related to the visa process and materials received from the embassies. Hence, providing timely updates was Visolia Pvt.Ltd. an important innovation. We are the only organization that offers this for free, while other services are chargeable.


25 K+

Happy Clients & Students

80 +

Countries Affiliation


Top University Partner

23 k+

Visa & Immigration

What Clients Say About Us and
Our Services